Friday, January 2, 2009

Why search for partners online?

Online dating need not be a contrived event where you seek out a romantic partner. I met my partner online. I was looking for a partner, but I would have been just as happy looking for a friend. My counterpartner was looking for investment advice. There is no shame in either approach, though you will be perceived as 'needy' if your thinking is polarised by the goal to find a partner, because they will perceive you as filling a void. Is there anything wrong with that? That depends. If you are looking for a partner who embodies your deepest values - great! If you are looking indiscrimately for anyone, thats bad! No real value is achieved through indiscriminate action.
The great positives about online dating are:
1. Wide audience: You could never hope to reach a greater audience without even uttering a word. People that offer little information in their blog are really wasting time and its a significant opportunity cost. People will say that there is a risk in placing too much information online, but risk is managed, not avoided.
2. Wide choice: You are not a passive influence on the process. You can pick people as well. People will say that 'all guys I meet online are only interested in sex'. Yeh. I was won of them until I met a girl I respected. Be the type of person someone desires, and you stop being just a sexual object. When you earn respect you get treated differently. Go in judging without engaging in any meaningful dialogue and you remain an object.
Andrew Sheldon

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