Monday, May 4, 2009

Love - for good or worse?

The following video will appeal to many people, and so it did to me on one level, but not in the sense that it was supposed to. Of course no assertion is made. Too few people are courageous enough these days to take a position today, however I will do just that.

The problem with this video is that it implies that love is unconditional or intrinsic. My counter-argument is that she did not love David for those 'incidental' issues, but because of all the other things she did not mention, because they had already been stated by others. Are they not the important things? We never really knew David from her. Just that he was human because he discharged like all other humans who don't retain their better half. Flatulence is not the reason we fall in love with anyone, its the deep seated values they express or believe.
Yet I would argue that a great many relationships are forged on more superficial values, though not the ones raised in the video .
Andrew Sheldon